  • Electric Toothbrushes Offer One More Reason to Smile
    Electric toothbrushes are an excellent idea for everyone, but for people with arthritis, cognitive impairments or those who have suffered a stroke, an electric toothbrush can be a little breath Read more
  • Soda, Sports Drinks, and Teeth
    Did you know that Americans drink nearly 45 gallons of soda and sports drinks on average every year? Teeth are made of the hardest substance in your body and withstand Read more
  • Your Tongue: A Window To Your Health
    Your tongue plays a vital role in conversation and eating, but did you know it sends silent messages about your general health? Three different color changes offer subtle clues to Read more
  • The Mouth Sore Affliction
    Sometimes patients develop toothaches or gum discomfort, but mouth pain comes in many other forms, too. Did you know your own body's immune system can attack the lining of your Read more
  • Growing Teeth: A New Dental Frontier
    Missing or damaged teeth may put you at risk for future dental problems. Reliable restorative options with innovative procedures allow us to offer a remedy to almost every dental dilemma. Read more
  • Xerostomia: When Saliva Goes missing
    Did you know our bodies produce roughly 1-2 liters of saliva every day? Peak production occurs in the late afternoon, dropping off dramatically during the night. But for nearly 30 Read more
  • Leave Dental Fear Behind
    We often know what we need to do, but it's easier said than done. Shortages of time, money, or motivation frequently set up roadblocks on our journey to better health. Or Read more
  • A Formula for Dental Success
    Healthy partnerships pay off. In The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, acclaimed author Stephen Covey offers the "synergy" habit. He outlines that if two people work together, the output is Read more
  • What’s A Tooth Worth?
    The tooth fairy has an average rate for baby teeth, and every kid looks forward to cashing in. But once the permanent teeth move into place, the value jumps upward. Read more
  • Hollywood Magic
    You've probably flipped open an issue of People magazine and seen a perfect, brilliant smile staring back at you. That smile likely looked different not very long ago. With today's Read more
  • Getting Clear About Your Smile
    Flashy metal grins fill the pages of most high school yearbooks, a rite of passage for many teenagers. Not long ago, misaligned teeth left you with two options: live with Read more
  • What’s A Smile Worth?
    Imagine this classic American scene: a well-kept house with a white picket fence. The fence sits perfectly straight and brilliantly painted, not a board out of place. That fence greets Read more
  • Are We Missing Each Other?
    As the days of another year accelerate forward, we're all aware that time isn't slowing down. The demands of modern life push and pull on us from every angle. Deadlines Read more
  • Dental Fear...Where Does It Come From?
    Fear. Ingrained in our DNA there's a protective mechanism that helps us avoid danger. It's essential to the survival of the human race. Our ancient relatives wouldn't be part of Read more
  • Not Just Pulp Fiction: The Truth About Dental Abscesses
    What is an Abscess? An abscess is an infection. There are two types of dental abscesses. A periapical abscess, which happens at the root of a tooth and a periodontal abscess Read more

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